vendredi 15 août 2014

CAP JUBY (Tarfaya)

Between TAN TAN and Laayoune, CAP JUBY (Tarfaya) is lost in the sands between desert and ocean, less than 50 miles from the Canary Islands. It is for this part of the end of the world as we drove from Tangier, we expected this stop and it has filled us with his loneliness, his secrets, his home, the memory of Saint Exupery, and that soul that survives the Little Prince wind, ruins and time ...
The walls are ocher CAP JUBY reflection sand, granular memory of time and wind.

A Cap Juby, it has the story of a boat there who assured line with the Canary Islands for 6 months before being wrecked by his captain for Soussous insurance. The Morocco / Canary line was moved a few hundred miles to the southwest, in Laayoune, which now concentrates all economic and administrative activity in the region.

A Cap Juby, there are men in green who perpetuate the political will of a country,

pursuing through the wind and sand thousands of no GREEN MARKET ....

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